Working with Donor Eggs
For various reasons, many patients will use donor eggs at some point in their treatment journey. Whether you have an egg donor in mind or are just learning about the process, Life IVF Center is proud to offer our patients access to an experienced team and full suite of services around donor eggs.
Known vs. Anonymous Donation
When it comes to Donor Eggs, the Donor in question can be Known or Anonymous. There are somewhat different requirements associated with each.

Direct Contact Donors
Known Donors may be friends, family members, or anyone who has direct contact with the intended parents.

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Anonymous Donors come from donor agencies or Life IVF Center’s Egg Bank Program to assist recipients while maintaining anonymity.

Fresh vs. Frozen: What's the difference?
Both types of Egg Donor cases are popular, with each type having their own pros and cons
Fresh Donor Egg Cycles

Fresh Pros
· Slightly higher success rates due to fewer freeze/ thaw needs

Fresh Cons
· Pricier screening and testing for donors
· Slower process due to screening and testing needs, donor schedule
· Retrieval results uncertain
Frozen Donor Egg Cycles

Frozen Pros
· Faster to start transfer
· Lower donor screening and testing costs
· More predictable pricing: pay for what you use

Frozen Cons
· While LIC’s stimulation and freezing protocols are proven, eggs from outside Egg Banks are subject to varying egg quality and freezing skills

Screening Egg Donors:
All egg donor candidates, known or unknown, must pass evaluation and testing procedures according to the FDA regulations and ASRM guidelines to ensure the safety of all parties. Some conditions, such as having a tattoo or piercing within the past year, may require anonymous donors to make themselves known in order to sign waivers to proceed.
Our Third Party Reproductive (TPR) team is available to help you understand the entire donor egg process from start to finish and answer any questions.
Finding an Egg Donor
Given what we’ve explained above, there are five main paths our patients go through in working with donor eggs, each with their own pros, cons, and slightly different processes.
Using an outside donor
Some patients come to us with a donor in mind. Life IVF performs the egg retrieval and / or fertilization and transfer
I have my own egg donor
Patients may find a family member or friend to serve as their donor
I have a donor from an agency or egg bank
Other patients may work with an outside donor agency or third party egg bank to find a suitable donor or frozen eggs for their needs
Using a donor via Life IVF
For those without a donor, our Donor program can provide easy, affordable access to fresh or frozen eggs
Using Frozen Eggs
Life manages a world class bank of diverse frozen donor eggs conveniently available for patient needs
Using Fresh Eggs
Life IVF also arranges Fresh cycles, where the donor’s eggs are retrieved for immediate fertilization
Using Donor Eggs
When you receive donor eggs, the rest of the IVF process remains quite similar to other cases. The eggs are fertilized either with the sperm of a male partner or from a donor, which will be cultured into embryos.
You have the option of genetic testing for the embryos, but ultimately only one will be chosen for transfer to either an Intended Parent or a Gestational Carrier. This step is essential to achieve a successful pregnancy, and we will guide you through the entire process with informed expertise.
Becoming an Egg Donor

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Monday to Friday 8:30-18:00
Receiving messages 24 hours a day.

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